So, I'm at work and am pretty bored. I decided to do a little write up about quircky things about me.
I love my family more than anything in the world. Smiling is a must even when I'm in a bad mood. It doesn't take much to make me laugh. I hate rollercoasters.My mom is my best friend. I don't like being told what to do. I don't have an inside voice. I hate when my cell phone doesn't have service. I don't understand how CDs work. I admire my little sister. I can laugh at myself. I hate backstabbing girls. Rachel Haakana's laugh is the best sound ever. I'm proud to be from International Falls. I'm not tall. I think celebrity gossip is ridiculous, but I still read it. I hate mice. I enjoy my lab group. I like the sound high heels make on wood floors. Strawberries are my favorite. I love sunshine. I hate people that are overly opinionated, but don't know what they're talking about. Ponto Lake is the best place on this planet. Tourists annoy me more than anything. I can't stand it when people don't use their blinker. I hate Cell One, but not as much as my mom does. I like to drive fast, even though I always get caught doing it. Puple is awesome.I love getting mail. I have never liked POP. I hate Wal-Mart a lot and K-Mart even more. I like to get my way. I love taking and being in pictures. I think flip flops are amazing. I'm the pickiest eater you'll ever meet. I love to have massive amounts of energy. I love my ruby red slippers. I enjoy taking long naps. Beans is my nickname, no clue how my cousins came up with that. Oh, and they're the only ones allowed to call me by that name. I dislike pack-rats. Pink lemonade is fantastic. Ice skating is so much fun. I'm not a fan of fast food. The Norske Nook is stupid. I like to people watch. I hate spending money on gas. I love being crazy with Angie. Tubing behind the boat can only be done with two tubers, and going with Nikkee is scary. The littlest of things can excite me. I want to travel. I like looking forward to things. Hunting is a blast. I want to be a news reporter. Greys Anatomy is my new favorite show. Commercials get on my nerves. I like getting dressed up. I love living on my own. I like people that listen to me vent. I wish I kept a scrapbook better than I do. I hate repeating myself. I finally walked the tracks. I love staying in hotels, but don't always like that I work in one.I'm always up for having a good time. Christmas is the best time of year.
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